Security tips for drupal
1. Update drupal core and contrib odules to the last version
Example with composer if you use core-recommended:
composer update drupal/core-recommended:9.3.14 -W
2. Perform Regular Backups of the files and database.
You can use Backup and Migrate module
3. Avoid simple username and passwords
Avoid admin, root, drupal, 1234 ...
4. Block access to important files and unwanted text files using .htaccess file..
RedirectMatch 403 "/core/(.*).php"
RedirectMatch 403 "/core/(.*).txt"
RedirectMatch 403 "INSTALL.txt"
<FilesMatch "(authorize|cron|install|upgrade)\.php">
Order deny, allow
deny from all
Allow from
5. Block bad bots using .htacces file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*(agent1|Wget|Catall Spider).*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F,L]
6. Enable trusted host from settings.php file.
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = ['^www\.example\.com$',];
7. Always use secure connections
8. Check file permissions