What are the settings to use with each type of features ?
Settings to use with each type of features.
This tutorial is an example for the following Features Structure:
- blocks/
- content_types/
- env/
- feeds/
- menus/
- permissions/
- roles/
- settings/
- taxonomy/
- views/
Blocs: (Ex: fe_block_YOURBLOCKNAME)
- Block Settings (fe_block_settings). Start with the block name of one per each block
Content types: (Ex: fe_ct_article)
- Content types (node)
- STRONGARM (variable) settings with CT name (Ex: additional_settings__active_tab_article )
-> If not added separately, You can also add FIELD INSTANCES and FIELD GROUP of the CT. But notFIELD BASES. Because it is common for all content types.
-> Create a separate feature for FIELD BASES, Like fe_fb_body for the body field.
Menu: (Ex fe_menu_main)
- Menu (menu_custom)
-> Preferancely, Create one frature per menu.
Permissions: (Ex : fe_permissions)
- Permissions (fe_permissions)
- Roles (fe_roles)
Settings: (Ex : fe_settings_XXX)
- STRONGARM (variable)
- Any other settings. Here you can create one for all or one per each type of settings
Taxonomy: (Ex: fe_taxonomy_tags)
- Taxonomy (taxonomy)
Views: (Ex: fe_views_THEVIEWSNAME)
-Views (views_view)
You can also add dependencies for each features type.
This is Just an Example, you can organize your features as you want.