How to Edit a view result programmatically ?
Example : Change title
function MYMODULE_views_pre_render(&$view) {
if ($view->name == 'view_myviewname') {
// Set the view title.
$view->setTitle('New title');
$result = $view->result;
// Set the ro title
foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
$view->_entity->set('title', 'New titile for row');
// set / anter field value
$row->_entity->set('field_name', "new value");
Change a field value/render (Example):
function hook_preprocess_views_view_field(&$variables) {
$view = $variables['view'];
$field = $variables['field'];
$row = $variables['row'];
if ($view->storage->id() == 'view_name' &&
$view->current_display == 'view_display_id' &&
$field->field == 'field_name') {
$variables['output'] = 'News output';
// Example of inline styling
$value = $field->getValue($row);
$markup = [
'#type' => 'inline_template',
'#template' => '{{ yourvar }} {{ yourhtml | raw }}',
'#context' => [
'yourvar' => $value,
'yourhtml' => '<span style="color:red;">Your HTML</span>',
$variables['output'] = $markup;
CAUTION : Following example is not working for Drupal 9 :
function MYMODULE_views_pre_render(&$view) {
if ($view->name == 'view_myviewname') {
$result = $view->result;
foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
$view->result[$i]->field_field_myfieldtext[0]['rendered']['#markup'] = "The new text";
how can i edit a view?
How can i edit a view? I mean where should i add this program? I am really new to D8. trying to learn it.
Create a new Module and Edit your view
To use this hook (like any other), you must create a custom module. Follow this tutorial to know how to create a module.
Create a simple module to use Drupal 8 Hook System
If view having empty result…
If view having empty result then no debug working in views_pre_render(&$view). So waht was another solution to handle no result message programmatically.
This is the reason noone outside US is using Drupal
Look you got a simple task.
You would want to add a simple ViewRow with custom content. It should be ultra easy like in other frameworks right? Wrong! Because you need existing entity. You cannot modify it because you need to display existin gentity also. You want to alter view to add non existing records (like empty records for each user) but you can not without using solution that take longer that writing custom controller by yourself.
Same goes for Drupal Commerce, perfect solution for problems that does not exists.
if view has text field …
if view has text field "nothing"
<code>$row->_entity->set('nothing', "new value"); </code>
not found