By editor, 4 October, 2016 HTML Entity Decode and Encode Tags Drupal 8 Code Drupal 7 PHP Basic php and drupal 7 / 8 Examples 1. $string_out = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') //Do not forget ENT_QUOTES and 'UTF-8', otherwise quotes will not decodes.
By editor, 1 September, 2016 Isset() VS Empty() VS Is_null() Tags PHP Code Those are three functions allow you to determine the nature of a variable, with a bit different. Comparison table
By nuwantha, 2 July, 2016 Install PHP 5 (5.4, 5.5, 5.6) and PHP 7 on Linux Tags Server Shell PHP Via PPA Install PHP 5.4 On linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint ...) sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-oldstable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y php5
By editor, 13 June, 2016 Correct a broken HTML file or a HTML String Tags PHP Code Drupal 8 Utility Example 1 : With DOMDocument: (Fast (0.0002 sec) but can have php warning)
By editor, 4 April, 2016 Open URL with name and password (Apache Htaccess, FTP ...) Tags Linux Server PHP Examples with username and password: ​ ssh Examples with username:
By editor, 4 April, 2016 SSL self signed / Override certificate check Tags Linux Shell PHP SSL/TLS On linux (wget) wget --no-check-certificate wget --no-check-certificate On Apache PHP