How to create HTML Table quickly ?
Example : Table.
$header = ['#','Name', 'Mail'];
$data = [
[1,'Name 1', ''],
[2,'Name N°2', ''],
$output[] = array(
'#theme' => 'table',
//'#cache' => ['disabled' => TRUE],
'#caption' => 'The table caption / Title',
'#header' => $header,
'#rows' => $data,
Add a class to a Drupal table cell containing ['data'] Example:
$header = ['#', 'Name', 'Mail'];
$data = [
[['data' => 2, 'class' => 'green'], 'Name 1', ''],
[['data' => 2, 'class' => 'red'], 'Name N°2', ''],
Note : To add link to a table field, You must use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup (\Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup)
$value = new FormattableMarkup('<a href=":link">More</a>', [':link' => $url->toString()]);
This Table use following twig template:
<table{{ attributes }}>
{% if caption %}
<caption>{{ caption }}</caption>
{% endif %}
{% for colgroup in colgroups %}
{% if colgroup.cols %}
<colgroup{{ colgroup.attributes }}>
{% for col in colgroup.cols %}
<col{{ col.attributes }} />
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<colgroup{{ colgroup.attributes }} />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if header %}
{% for cell in header %}
<{{ cell.tag }}{{ cell.attributes }}>
{{- cell.content -}}
</{{ cell.tag }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if rows %}
{% for row in rows %}
<tr{{ row.attributes }}>
{% for cell in row.cells %}
<{{ cell.tag }}{{ cell.attributes }}>
{{- cell.content -}}
</{{ cell.tag }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% elseif empty %}
<td colspan="{{ header_columns }}">{{ empty }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if footer %}
{% for row in footer %}
<tr{{ row.attributes }}>
{% for cell in row.cells %}
<{{ cell.tag }}{{ cell.attributes }}>
{{- cell.content -}}
</{{ cell.tag }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}